A symbol for much Restoration and Augustan literature generally.
The BBC's British history timeline, from the Neolithic to last week, and the segment that includes the Restoration (when Rochester wrote).
Fair copy of a Restoration satire manuscript.
Founding the Royal Society. Research in mathematics and natural history.
A famous portrait of Lord Rochester.
Rochester's verse satire against King Charles II.
Rochester's poem "The Disabled Debauchee."
Rochester's poem in tercets "Upon Nothing."
One nothing. Another nothing. And another; and another?
Not this guy.
St Patrick's Cathedral, in Dublin.
A Jonathan Swift timeline.
First edition Gulliver.
An adult Houyhnhnm.
A sort of Yahoo.
Another sort of Yahoo.
Swift in a lady's dressing room. Lady Montagu responds.
John Dryden's selected works from the University of Toronto site; Dryden's elegy to John Oldham. Dryden's St. Cecilia (1687).
Dryden's monument in Westminster Abbey.
St. Cecilia with Two Angels, by A. Gramatica (1620).
A Baroque violin.
G. F. Handel's music (1739) for Dryden's ode.
On the tradition of St. Cecilia's Day odes in London
W. H. Auden's St. Cecilia poem (1940s) (nonacademic site, but the text is accurate).
Cecilia's particular instrument.
Montagu's desirable lover.
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